Transformational Pathways

Episode 20 - The Toastmasters Evaluative Experience — How to Give and Receive Constructive Feedback with Jasmin Pemberton

Episode Summary

Today's guest on the Transformational Pathways Podcast is Jasmin Pemberton, a private elementary school tutor who works with students throughout Bronx and Westchester County. Jasmin shares how the evaluative process in Toastmasters helps her in her careers, especially in her previous work in HR. Toastmasters not only helps in increasing public speaking skills, it also helps you become a better listener because there are times when you will be the one evaluating others. Jasmin also shares that the skills she learned in Toastmasters are applicable in practically every field and anyone can find value in joining. In her experience, learning how to communicate effectively and presenting yourself as someone who wants others to do well too is an essential skill to have, no matter your career. Being in a family of Toastmasters also provides her great satisfaction to keep learning alongside her parents and sisters.

Episode Notes


01:27 Working in HR and finding satisfaction becoming a private tutor

05:16 The evaluative experience of Toastmasters equips HR for difficult conversations

08:54 Toastmasters: A venue to receive feedback made with good intent

15:28 Toastmasters is a family affair for Jasmin

18:35 Becoming more open to things because of Toastmasters  

19:51 Podcast Pioneers: A tangible way to connect virtually 

22:08 Toastmasters enhances you to do better in your chosen field

24:11 Muriel Shabazz is Jasmin's favorite Toastmaster


05:37 "One of the things that I value most about Toastmasters is their evaluative experience. The strategies that they recommend for evaluation I found to be so useful in so many areas... because there were many situations where I had to have uncomfortable or less than favorable conversations with people."

10:25 "Overall, learning to communicate with kindness and to be a good listener, which Toastmasters helps us do, is helpful across the board in every field because then you feel like you're talking to somebody who wants you to do well, too."

19:10 "Toastmasters has helped me increase my confidence in my competence. And so I'm able to say yes. If someone says here's an opportunity that I think fits you, I'm less likely now to brush it off. I'll say, okay."

22:56 "The most critical thing is the feedback because you get to hear from people who are hearing you in real time tell you how impactful you've been. Did you think that you've communicated this message? Well, they'll let you know... and now you know how to shift and rework it. So it's as effective as you want it."

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