Transformational Pathways

Episode 37 - Finding the Leader in You with Dora Maria Abreu, Evelyn Marrero, and George J. Rivera

Episode Summary

This episode of the Transformational Pathways podcast features three incoming officers of Toastmasters District 46 for the year 2022-2023, Dora Maria Abreu, Evelyn Marrero, and George J. Rivera. They talk about some of the best moments they've had in Toastmasters and encourage everyone to explore the many opportunities and resources that the Pathways Program will provide. HIGHLIGHTS The challenges in the transition coming out of lockdowns Their goals for the year as incoming officers The Pathways program and how people can find a club of their choice Dora, Evelyn, and George's most memorable moments QUOTES Evelynn: "There's going to be a lot of 'let's see if this works' but thankfully we have a strong leadership team and Toastmasters International gives us a lot of support towards that. So while it will be challenging I think we'll definitely come out stronger on the other end." Dora: "For me, it was more of just being more confident in speaking publicly. So this was an opportunity to get more confident in that space in a safe environment where you would not have had that opportunity in your work experience." George: "We want all members to feel that Pathways is really there to support their journey. We want to create tools that are time-saving, we want to be a source of resources, we want to be available, and we want to be personable. My approach is to be very personable." Evelynn: "I began to realize that I did have a leader in me. That I did have something to share that others found interesting and that they followed. Through concise communication is how you lead best." Connect with Dora, Evelynn, and George in the links below: LinkedIn (Dora): LinkedIn (Evelynn): LinkedIn (George): Find out more about Toastmasters, visit and follow District 46 on: Instagram - LinkedIn - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Please rate, review and subscribe! Toastmasters - where leaders are made.

Episode Notes

This episode of the Transformational Pathways podcast features three incoming officers of Toastmasters District 46 for the year 2022-2023, Dora Maria Abreu, Evelyn Marrero, and George J. Rivera. They talk about some of the best moments they've had in Toastmasters and encourage everyone to explore the many opportunities and resources that the Pathways Program will provide.



Evelynn: "There's going to be a lot of 'let's see if this works' but thankfully we have a strong leadership team and Toastmasters International gives us a lot of support towards that. So while it will be challenging I think we'll definitely come out stronger on the other end." 

Dora: "For me, it was more of just being more confident in speaking publicly. So this was an opportunity to get more confident in that space in a safe environment where you would not have had that opportunity in your work experience."

George: "We want all members to feel that Pathways is really there to support their journey. We want to create tools that are time-saving, we want to be a source of resources, we want to be available, and we want to be personable. My approach is to be very personable."

Evelynn: "I began to realize that I did have a leader in me. That I did have something to share that others found interesting and that they followed. Through concise communication is how you lead best."

Connect with Dora, Evelynn, and George in the links below:

Find out more about Toastmasters, visit and follow District 46 on:

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Toastmasters - where leaders are made.